I was recently contacted by the son of Charles Lwellyn Thomas, a member of the 65th Signal Battalion and served in Europe during WWII. Amongst his father’s collection were these two photos of the 416th’s P-61 called “The Great Specked Bird”. These are a welcomed addition to the collection.
The 416th’s Great Speckled Bird. Tail number #42-39417. Photo supplied by Charles Lwellyn Thomas of the 65th Signal Battalion.Great Speckled Bird Closer up. Photo supplied by Charles Lwellyn Thomas of the 65th Signal Battalion.Charles Lwellyn Thomas who served in Europe in WWII with the 65th Signal Battalion.
The Great Specked Bird photos have also been added to the Planes collection.
Earlier this month I was contacted by Julie, an American living in France. She was looking to locate relatives and any additional information on two members of the 417th NFS: Edward Graybill and Harvey Klein. The reason for her inquiry is that later this month the French community in Vauvenargues and Draguignan will celebrate the 80th Anniversary of Operation Dragoon (1944-2024). Operation Dragoon was the code name for the landing operation of the Allied invasion and the liberation of Provence (Southern France). Julie was seeking contact for a relative of Graybill or Klein and any other 417th member who might be interested in attending this celebration.
Edward Graybill and Harvey Klein were members of the 417th NFS and died when their plane hit a power line in Vaunenargues on 9 Dec 1944. Their remains are interred at the Rhone American Cemetery in Draguignan, France.
Jean Pierre Briole at the gravesite of Edward Graybill located in the American Rhone Cemetery, Draguignan, France.
Jean Pierre Briole at the gravesite of Harvey L. Klein located in the Rhone American Cemetery – Draguignan, France
Julie’s friend, Jean Pierre Briole (pictured above at graves of Graybill and Klein) is a “parrain”, or someone who sees after the graves of these two men. Additionally, Jean Pierre also organises the reenactments of the U.S. soldiers in Provence with authentic uniforms, jeeps, etc…all to commemorate the liberation of the numerous communities in the region. His latest endeavour is the 80th anniversary celebration of the liberation.
Past remembrances
A wreath is placed on a bronze plaque marking the liberation place
Invitation to the 80th Anniversary of the liberation.
While I was able to located a relative of Harvey Klein, I was unable to locate a relative of Edward Graybill. If anyone reading this has any information of living family members of Edward Graybill, please get in contact.
Julie’s inquiry prompted me to look for any additional details on the lives of Graybill or Klein and their time with the 417th. Here is what I can tell you:
Edward Curtis Graybill
Edward Curtis Graybill was born on Aug 28, 1924 to his parents Henry and Florence. He had a younger brother, James.
In December of 1942, he enlisted for service as an Aviation Cadet. He received his call to duty in late February 1943 and attended Basic Training at Pecos Army Airfield in Texas. He completed Basic Training in January of 1944 and was sent to Luke Field in Arizona for pilot training. After that training completed, he was sent to Mather field in California for B25 Bomber training and then eventually to Salina Air Base for Night Fighter Pilot training and Hammer Field for Night Fighter Operational training.
On October 11, 1944 Edward Graybill left the Hampton Road Debarkation point and was sent overseas to the Mediterranean Theatre of operations. He was assigned to the 417th NFS and is pictured here along with Klein as part of the “Replacement Crews” on November 19th.
Edward Graybill 5th from left in the top row. Harvey Klein 5th from left bottom row.
Harvey L. Klein
Harvey Klein’s family. From left to right: Sister Phyllis, Mother Ruth, Father Charlie and Harvey.
My search for information on Harvey Klein was less successful. I was able to located a relative, Gail, the daughter of Harvey Klein’s sister, Phyllis. Gail had contacted me some years ago with an inquiry into Harvey. I was lucky to have saved her contact info. Gail was able confirm that Harvey was born in Chicago, the son to Ruth and Charlie Klein in the Chicago area in November of 1923 and was one of 3 children. His brother, died young and his sister, Phyllis, died of breast cancer at the tender age of 38. Harvey’s father is said to have died of a broken heart having outlived his wife and 3 children. The deaths in Harvey’s immediate family meant that there was little information passed on to Gail about Harvey’s life leading up to his time in the service. She continues her search….
Graybill and Klein’s time with the 417th NFS
Edward Graybill and Harvey Klein were assigned to the 417th NFS at LeVallon Airfield in France, on 19 November, 1944. They were part of a larger replacement crew of 22 arriving from the 19th Replacement Depot. On December 9th, 1944, Graybill and Klein took off on a training flight in their Beaufighter (V8875). Both perished when their plane hit a power line in Vauvenargues, France. Their remains are interred at the cemetery in Draguignan, France. Edward Graybill and Harvey Klein were just 20 years old when they perished.
Beaufighter V8875 before it crashed in Vauvenargues carrying 2nd Lt. E.C. Graybill (P) and F/O H.L. Klein (RO).
In closing, I want to thank Julie, Jean Pierre and Gail for helping me to tell this story.
As many of you are aware, there is a P-61 being rebuilt at the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum (MAAM). In July of this year, the plane was dubbed “MoonBeam Dream” and received some spectacular nose art from a local artist named HotRod Jen.
Moonbeam Dream Nose Art on P-61 at MAAM. Credit to HotRod Jen.
Here is a video of the painting in progress:
If the video does not play for you, you can go to Facebook and search for Mid-Atlantic Air Museum and the video should be located near the top of their feed.
For more than a decade now, I have wanted to write about my father’s journey to the 417th Night Fighter Squadron. Over the years, I had attended reunions with my father, met some of his mates and work side by side with him to get this website up and running. But, I never knew the full story or timeline of his journey to the squadron – at least not first hand. After his passing in 2018, I found and saved numerous bits and pieces that he had kept from this period of his life and after several false starts, I believe I have finally pieced together his journey.
In 1943, Richard Ziebart was 17 and a Senior High School. WWII was in full swing. In October of that year, a recruiter arrived at school with a message to boys in his class. They had 2 options: Be called to active duty when they reached 18 (potentially missing graduation) OR enlist now and remain home for 6 months after their 18th birthday. My father and his cousin “Bud” enlisted that day.
Richard Ziebarts High School Graduation photo circa 1943/1944.
The card Richard Ziebart received upon enlisting in the Army Air Corp on the 16th of November, 2023
In looking back on this decision, he recalled that 17 of his classmates entered service in January 1944 and that he felt relief that he signed up and would be able to finish school.
He turned 18 in May of 1944 and in November of that year, he travelled to Fort Sheridan in Illinois for Basics training. While there, he sent this postcard to his mother with a photo of his group at Basic Training.He wrote his name and drew an arrow, so his mother would know which of the sharp looking young men was her son.
Postcard that Richard Ziebart sent home to his mother. Hand written on it is an arrow identifying which of the fine young men was her son.
Exactly how long he was at Fort Sheridan is unclear and the trail gets a bit murky. Tucked amongst the items he saved is a photo of himself as a Cadet at Keesler Technical Training Center, located in Biloxi, Mississippi. He also saved a 4 page document with a map of the Training Center. My best estimate is that he went to Biloxi around December of 1944.
Richard Ziebart’s cadet photo from Biloxi.
Page 1 of Keesler Technical Training Center Base Map
Page 2 of Keesler Technical Training Center Base Map
Page 3 of Keesler Technical Training Center Base Map
Keesler Tech Training Base Map
Sometime after the New Year in 1945, he was moved again to the Technical School at Sioux Falls Army Air Field. He was assigned to Squadron Q, barracks 442.At Sioux Falls, he was reunited with his cousin Bud, who bunked in Barracks 440 with Squadron O.
Squadron Q (Left to Right) Whitney-Wolff-Taylor-Vanwhy(?)-Ziebart, George, Zeis. Front Row: Weber and Smith
Richard Ziebart in full uniform – Sioux Falls
Best Mates: Richard Ziebart and Bud Kasischke in Sioux Falls
Richard Ziebart in front of Squadron Q barracks in Sioux Falls
Richard Ziebart – Barracks Q Sioux Falls, SD
Richard Ziebart and cousin Bud Kasischke in downtown Sioux Falls
There were several items that my dad saved that tell me a bit about life here: A booklet and map of Sioux Falls Army Air Field, a purchase certificate for his army issued shoes, a code test demonstrating that he could decode 19 words per minute, a schematic of the radio receiver he designed as part of his training and an Honor Roll certificate of accomplishment from the school.
Sioux Fall Technical School booklet
Sioux Falls Technical School Map
Richard Ziebart Shoe Purchase Certificate
Richard Ziebart Code test results
Richard Ziebart Radio Receiver Schematics
Richard Ziebart Certificate of Accomplishment
One of the more interesting items that my father kept from this time period was a letter from the minister at the local Church where he attended Sunday service. He had been given “extra duty” for several weeks after he and his cousin Bud were caught being “out of uniform”. When the minister of the church found out, he wrote a letter explaining why my father was out of uniform and pleaded his case. Hand written on the back of the letter is my father’s explanation of events.
Church minister’s letter defence of Richard Ziebart being “out of uniform”.
Richard Ziebart’s explanation of the events related to the letter.
The last nugget I have from his time in Sioux Fall is this postcard. On the back he wrote “Bud Kasischke and Richard Ziebart, Sioux Falls, SD, April 1st, 1945)
Richard Ziebart on the left and Bud Kasischke on the right.
After 22 weeks in Sioux Fall, he was transferred to Scott Field in Illinois. It appears that his stay there lasted 18 weeks. I have very little from this period, short of a story he told me about getting a weekend pass so that he could hitchhike home to be present for his newest sister Sharon’s baptism. While home, he took a series of photos with his family.
Richard Ziebart home on weekend pass
Richard Ziebart at home on a weekend pass at the family farm
Richard Ziebart’s mother Lydia with his new sister Sharon
Richard Ziebart with sister Patricia and brother Kenneth
Richard Ziebart with his mother Lydia
Richard Ziebart with his father Oswald
Richard Ziebart with his sister Eleanor
Richard Ziebart with his brother Alvin.
On the 1st of January, 1946, Richard boarded the SS Rollins Victory along with 800 other men and headed for Europe. It was a stormy trip with many seasick soldiers. He volunteered to work in the medical group. His duties were to pick up the seasick soldiers and take care of them in sick bay for 2 days, then return them back to their bunks.He commented that on the morning following the return of those soldiers to their bunks, the same group would be back in sick bay again.For his work, he was given a pass which entitled him to eat in the mess at any time during regular hours.On the back the photo, he wrote “Volunteered to work in sick bay on the entire trip – received best accomodations and eating privileges.Weather was calm this day.”
Richard Ziebart abort SS Rollins Victory
The meal pass Richard Ziebart received for working in sick bay onboard the ship.
Richard disembarked the SS Rollins in Le Havre, France and headed to Camp Lucky Strike. From there, he would be transported by train to Fuerstenfeldbruk, Germany via Paris. In Fuerstenfeldbruk, he was assigned to the 417th Night Fighter Squadron as a radar mechanic operator. Things get a bit murky again, but from the photos he kept I believe my father headed Rothwestern airfield around February of 1946. He describes himself as a “new recruit” along with a group of other men.
Richard Ziebart (far right) along with other new recruits at Rothwestern.
Richard Ziebart in front of the barracks at Rothwestern
Another view of the barracks at Rothwestern with Richard Ziebart in the foreground.
The back of this photo states “Richard Ziebart with hunting rifle in Rothestern”
A view of the hangers in Rothwestern
A British Mosquito fight at Rothwestern in Feb 1946
I believe my father stayed at Rothwestern until April of 1946 at which point the 417th NFS was transferred to Fritzlar Air Base in Kassel, Germany. At Fritzlar he was assigned a roommate, George Marks, from Temple, Texas. George was also a radar mechanic operator. When he wasn’t working on P-61 radar, baseball seemed to have filled his time.
Richard Ziebart at Fritzlar Air Base 1946
Richard Ziebart Fritzlar Air Base 1946
Richard Ziebart posing in from of P-61 Markey-Hades Lady
Rich Ziebart (Top) and Mike Lamoreau (bottom) working on P-61 Midnight Menace 1946/Fritzlar Air Base
Richard Ziebart relaxing at a squadron ballgame
Three mates, Marks, Rosier (?) and Ziebart enjoying a ballgame at Fritzlar Air Base.
Richard Ziebart in Fritzlar. The P-61 in back is Turret #239621
George Marks, another radar mechanic and roommate to Richard Ziebart at Fitzlar
George Marks from Temple, Texas at Fitzlar air field
Aside from photos, my father kept a number of momentos from this time: A class B Pass, his motor vehicle operations permit and his European Theatre Ration card.
Richard Ziebart Class B pass – Fritzlar Air Base
Richard Ziebart Vehicle permit – front
Richard Ziebart vehicle permit – inside
Richard Ziebart’s Army Exchange Ration Card Front
Richard Ziebart’s Army Exchange Ration Card – Inside
Richard Ziebart’s Army Exchange Ration Card – Back
In August of 1946, he boarded the SS George Washington in Bremerhaven, Germany and headed home. While on board ship, he took several snapshots with the friends he made onboard.
Leaving Bremerhaven Germany – Stoney, Richard Ziebart, Truman and 3 unknowns
SS George Washington
Richard Ziebart and Howard Zeiss heading home on the SS George Washington
Richard Ziebart and unknown heading home on the SS George Washington
Richard Howard Zeiss and unknown heading home on the SS George Washington
Richard Ziebart and Howard Zeiss heading home on the SS George Washington
While my father’s time in the service and with the 417th NFS was brief, it clearly impacted and influenced his life. When he returned to the US he leveraged his training into a 36 year career with Michigan Bell Telephone. As he neared retirement, he became increasingly interested in keeping in touch with fellow squadron members and worked to keep the 417th story alive. He, along with my mother, Lorraine, spent countless hours working others to organise NFS reunions, collecting and cataloging photos and stories. This website is a dedication to their commitment to keep the story of the 417th NFS alive.
Night Fighters Reunion June 18th, 2009 Park Inn, Stevensville, MI
Reunion Unknown Year
NFS Reunion Date Unknown
Sept 1997 Banquet Attendance. Kneeling L-R: Terry Carter, Angelo D’Orazio, Earl Hissett. Seated L-R: Marion Myers, Betty D’Orazio, Becky Earley, Lorraine Ziebart, Jo Hissett. Standing L-R: Ned Earley, Bob Hamilton, Rich Ziebart, Ed O’Neill, John Roberson, John Koneski, Abe Kaplon, Joan Carter, Gloria Roberson, Helen Herbert, Betty Kaplon
NFS 1997 Reunion Reading, PA. Front Seated L-R: Abe Kaplon, Rich Ziebart, John Konosky, John Roberson, Earl Hissett. Back Standing L-R: Terry Carter, Angelo D’Orazio, Ed O’Neill, Ned Early, Bob Hamilton.
NFS Reunion 2003 Dayton OH. L-R Mike Lamoreau, Ned Early, Ed O’Neill, Rich Ziebart, Bob Beton, Earl Hissett, Harold Heinecke, Paul Payton, Morris Dalton, John Roberson
NightFighters Reunion 2007
Richard Ziebart with 417 Banner 2007 Reunion
Lorraine and Richard Ziebart at hotel, 1990 Reunion, Cincinnati OH
Early this year I was contacted by Lowell Silverman, a researcher from the website Delaware’s World War II Fallen. Lowell was writing a profile on Lt. Theodore Edward Hearne for the website and had a few questions related to Lt. Hearne’s time with the 417th NFS. I had very little information, mostly references to Hearne in the 417th Illustrated History and Brick Eisel’s book: Beaufighters in the Night, and no photos. I could confirm little more than the fact that Hearne was part of the 417th and that he had died, along with his pilot 2nd Lt. Robert Inglis on the night of 20 July in 1944.
Over the course of several emails, I was placed in contact with Lt. Hearn’s nephew. He provided me with a broader view of his uncle’s life in the service. He also provided me with several photos. I kept in touch with Lowell as well. His research uncovered a goldmine of data on Lt. Hearne’s family life as well as his time in the service. I was truely humbled by the level of information Lowell was able to find. He also taught me a trick or two.
With that in mind, I realized that I could not improve on the story that Lowell had written. So that end, I will use this post as a synopsis of Lt. Hearne’s path to the 417th and his short time with it. At the end of this post I provide the reader to the fuller account written Lowell.
Ted Hearne was born in Pennsylvania in 1920 and was the eldest of 11 children. He hails from a family that served their country. His father, 4 of his brothers and a sister all served .
Ted’s service started when he joined Delaware National Guard in 1937. as part of the 198th Coast Artillery Regiment. In March of 1941 his unit moved to Camp Edwards in Massachusetts.
From here, the story gets more complex, but eventually in early 1942, Corporal Hearne and his Regiment, shipped out of Charleston, NC bound for the Pacific Theatre. His regiment was part of an occupied force building a base in Bora Bora as part of an effort to secure sea lines between the U.S and Australia.
After his time in Bora Bora, Hearne transferred along with several other enlisted men to Officer Training in the U.S. In early 1943, he became one of seven cadets to participate in the pre-flight phase of Pilot training at Maxwell Field in Alabama.
While Hearne’s desire was to become a pilot he was unsuccessful. Hearne’s training then shifted to Radar Observer (R/O) and he was attached to the 348th Night Fighter Squadron as a Student. After completing his courses, he was assigned to the 349th and ordered to move to Hammer Field in Fresno, California. According to Wikipedia, the 348th was ordered to Hammer Field to be closer to the Northrup, the manufacturer of the P-61. Hearne’s nephew recounted that Lt. Hearne flew in the P-61 prior to it being placed into the war effort. What an experience that must have been.
After a series of squadron transfers and reorganisation, Hearne headed overseas to Algeria to join the 417th Night Fighter Squadron of the 63rd Fighter Wing at Borgo Aerodrome on the French Island of Corsica. The exact date of this transition is not clear, however Individual Flight Records show Hearne partnered as a Radar Observer with Lt. Hill, Capt. McCray, Lt. Kirwan, Capt. Stirnus and Capt. Lee starting on 17 June 1944 and ending on 30 June 1944. Hearne began his training flights with the 417th in Beaufighters.
On July 5th, 1944, 2nd Lt. Robert Inglis joined the 417th. It is worth noting that it is possible that Hearne and Inglis knew each other prior to their joining the 417th as their previous time with 348th and 349th overlapped. What is clear, is that, according to Individual Flight Records, on July 7th, 1944, two days after Inglis arrived, Hearne (R/O) and Inglis (Pilot) were partnered on a series of training flights that ran thru to 18 July, 1944.
On 20 July, 1944, at 2140 hrs, Inglis and Hearne took off in their Beau “Wastenot 77” ( VIF, AAF Serial Number ND262). They were vectored towards a “bogey” at 2310 hrs. There is some evidence that the bogey in the transcript was a “Bedcheck Charlie” – a common term for any recurring nighttime harassment flights aimed at keep the troops from resting.
A transcript of the encounter and resulting incident written by George Parrott, a Flying Office and Controller indicates that they located the enemy at 2324 hrs and hit their target. At 2325 hrs they reported the hit and informed Setsquare that the enemy had hit the water. At 2326 hrs they were told to vector 280 degrees. Parrot did not receive a reply but noted that Sector Ops received a call from Wastenot 77 indicating that Inglis and Hearne were going in to look at the wreckage. This was the last message from the crew. A search of the area at dawn confirmed debris from the enemy and Wastenot 77 had , but no remains of Inglis or Hearne were recovered.
The following document show the communications on that fateful night.
Statement of missing aircrew (Inglis/Hearn) on 20 July 1944. Provided courtesy of Gary L. Hearne.
The following is a tracing of the area where the Inglis and Hearne’s Beau went down. It was drawn by George Parrot who was stationed at Scorton Air Field in the UK.
According to Company Morning Reports, Hearne and Inglis were initially listed as MIA, on July 20th at 2330 hrs. This status changed to KIA on September 12, 1944.
Both 2nd Lt. Robert Inglis and Lt. Theodore Hearne were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross along with the Purple Heart.
For a more in-depth look at Lt. Theodore Hearne’s life and career, I encourage you to view the profile published by Lowell Silverman on the Delaware WWII Fallen website: