Faces of the 417th

Several photos of the original members of the 417th NFS are available in this document: 417th NFS Flying Personnel

Below are several galleries of photos from 417th NFS.  Feedback/Corrections on the title for the photos is appreciated.  There may also be duplicates here and there.  Special thanks to Dan Whitney for access to his collection.


Replacement crews for the 416th and 417th. October/November 1944. Pilots:Standing L->R Robert W. Condon, Morris N.Dalton, Ellis J. Faubus, Edward C Graybill, Wisky E. Kangas, Herbert L. King, Joseph F. Skrinan, Dale R. Fuller, George F. Beers, Quenton H. Briton. Radar Operators Squatting L->R: Rickard M. Cornwall, George Stroutman, William H. Work, John R. Fryklund, Harvey L. Klein, Jack C. Herhon, Lennox B. Prince, Ramon A. Roubideaux, Dale A. Lander, George A Boublik & James R. Boone.


Photos from the 417th Photographer, Charles Fahrbach


16 thoughts on “Faces of the 417th”

    1. John Frank Clemmens was my grandfather, My Mom’s Dad. He only saw her one time when she was 11 months old. She passed away on April 19th 2014 and always wanted to learn more info about her Daddy. Thank you for all this information at least her children can appreciate.

      1. Are you related to Kenley Martin?
        I just sent to him a CD with all of the information I’ve been able to collect on the 417th NFS. Your grandfather is mentioned numerous times in the records.
        I would be pleased to send you a copy of the CD as well if you would like.
        Our 417th NFS family is growing, it is a pleasure to have you onboard!
        Dan Whitney

        1. I believe my next-door neighbor was with the 417th NFS in Germany. Pls send me details of the information you have, as I’d love to share with John Roberson if he does not have it already.

          Sean Strain
          Charlotte, NC

          1. Hi Sean,

            Sorry for the delay in responding. Rich Ziebart and/or Dan Whitney will be in touch with more information for you. Thanks for visiting our website and spreading the word.

            Jackie (417th Admin)

      2. Leanne, My family knew your grandfather, Jack Clemmens. He lived with my grandparents from the time he was about 12 years old until he married. I have heard my Mother speak of him with great fondness, as he was treated like one of the family. According to my Mama, who died in 2009, Jack showed up near my grandpa’s farm in McLeansville, N.C. and asked if there was any work for him to do for a good meal. He said he was 12 and that he had run away from an orphanage in
        Charlotte. He stayed from that day with my Mama’s family and grew up with her and brothers and sister. My grandmother had the picture of him shown on this site and also had a picture of your grandmother and your Mother when she was only a small child. My grandmother loved him like a son, as did my grandpa. I am so delighted that I have finally found someone related to Jack. I often wondered what had happened to his wife and child, whenever my Mama spoke of him.

        1. This is Kenley Wigle John was my grandfather. My family has tried for years to find more information on John (Jack). Can you please call me at 336-693-2500. I would love to hear from you.

          Thank You

        2. Hi Linda! Thank you so much for the info on Jack Clemmons!! I hate my Mom isn’t still alive to hear it. If you would like to correspond with me with any other info that he may have talked about please email!

          1. Hello, I an Donald Schoolfield. John stayed with my parents in McLeansville NC. I never knew John because I was born in 1947. My entire family cherished the memories of John. I have always considered him a brother. I am proud of his service and bravery. I still considet him a brother and often tell of his heroic actions in the war. I only wish I had known this American Hero. My email address is donschoolfield@hotmail.com should you wish to contact me. My neice (Linda Reynolds) is looking for pictures to send you.

  1. OUTSTANDING WORK! Rich and his daughter should be proud!

    My mother’s brother, Henry Lee Gurley, was the pilot of a P-61B-15NO with the 418th NFS. His plane number 42-39591. His plane would have had the 4 numbers (9591) on the tail. We’ve NEVER seen a picture of his plane. He was lost the night of August 4, 1945 on a mission from Kadena airbase on Okinawa to Kyushu Japan. He has never been found.

    Kevin Reeder

  2. Jackie I tried the email you sent to my sister Leanne Groce. And I have replied on here. Says email is invalid. Can you please find away to contact Linda and pass my phone number to her. My email is ktwigle@twc.com also. Thank you for your help Kenley

  3. Is there any way we could get some info on the 417th? My Uncle flew the Lonesome Polecat, his name is George Aubill.

  4. My Dad, TSgt Ellsworth (Tower) Snow, nicknamed “Old Man” in the 417th was a proud member of this squadron. I found photos of many of his friends-Jake Miller, Doug Herbert, Matt Zajonc, Tommy Thompson, Earl Hissett. Thank you for posting all of them. It has allowed me to see some things and places that were very important pieces of his life.

  5. Hello! I am hoping but not sure if anyone is still active on this webpage… My Grandfather was part of this NFS… I was looking through the “faces” and I actually found him — I was in shock because after all these years he actually has that same exact picture. I miss my Pop so very much and now that I have a son & daughter of my own I want to ensure they know these important parts of his life and it will never be forgotten. I am not sure how to get more information but any help would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you,
    Megan A.

    1. Hi Megan, I’ve sent you more details in a private email. Check your SPAM/Junk folder if you haven’t received anything in next day or so.

      Jackie (417th NFS website admin)

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