Gunnarson-Barracks-Fritzlar Mess Hall-203 November 30, 2014 1296 × 963 Gunnarson-Barracks-Fritzlar Mess Hall-203 Fitzlar MessH hall in 1946. Donaven Anderson is on the right. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailPrintLike this:Like Loading...
I can remember this picture and both of you, but Not your names.( Rich Ziebart, Radar repair with Mike Lamoreau who was my mentor ) How many other guys can you identify? Reply
The airman on the right is me, Donaven Anderson in 1946.
I’ve added a comment in the notes area of the photo indicating that this is you!
I can remember this picture and both of you, but Not your names.( Rich Ziebart, Radar repair with Mike Lamoreau who was my mentor ) How many other guys can you identify?